Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog #6

This post is a response to Blog #5 from Kelya’s blog.
Well done. Your blog was very good. I wasn’t a fan of the standardized tests that I had to take both here in Texas, and in Oklahoma where I’m from. I thought that they (the tests) were, to be honest B.S. Now after reading your blog, I’m convinced that I was right! Not only should the TAKS tests be re-evaluated, they should be discontinued! For the TEA to tell your friend (who moved here from Russia, learned English in a year, and doing upper level math), that she is not “qualified” to graduate is just absolutely retarded! She is obviously smart enough to graduate, and excel in college.
The reason you go to school is to learn, not to be taught curriculum. Teachers should have the freedom to teach in their own way, and not be critisized for it. Teachers should not have to worry about their jobs being on the line if they don’t teach the standardized material. You are right; you can’t base a person’s intelligence off a stupid test. Yes those tests should show where a student is at academically, but that same test shouldn’t decide if that student should graduate or not.
I think the TEA should really re-evaluate their policies on which students should be able to graduate, on a more personal level. If someone who has excelled in school but doesn’t do well on the TAKS test should still be allowed to graduate. As opposed to someone who is slacking off in school and failing most of their classes they shouldn’t graduate. Maybe the schools should have the say in who graduates and who doesn’t. They would know the students on a more personal level. But that’s just an idea. Again, well done on your blog.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Immigration has been a heated debate for the past five years, and with all of the stuff happening down in Juarez I'm sure most of you have a chosen a side, so to say. Well state Rep. Leo Berman says that the state pays too much to provide services to undocumented immigrants and their children. So Berman filed a proposal that would deny state services to undocumented children and their American-born children.

Now, is this the right thing to do? Deny services, basically to children? Honestly, I'm on the fence with this proposal. No, because children who can't be taken care of because their parents can't take care of them for some reason or another needs help. But that's kind of where my sympathy stops.

Look, I'm all for people, no matter where they are from, coming to America to make a better lives for themselves, but for god sakes, do it legally! Don't come to America to work, get paid under the table, not pay taxes, send your money back to Mexico, and not contribute a single thing to society! But most of all learn at least some English! At least enough to get by. If you are not going to do that, then good riddance! You or your children don't need to be taken care of! Leave the money for the people who do contribute.

So to Mr. Breman, I think your proposal is a risky one, but I agree with what you are trying to do. No matter how harsh it sounds.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sex Education in Texas Schools

In this blog I will be talking about the states take on Sexual Education being taught in our public schools. I know that sexual education in our public schools is a touchy subject, but it shouldn't be. Sex is a part of what what makes us human, so why is it that the schools get to decide weather sex education is taught or not? The state’s education code requires each local school district's board of trustees to create a local school health advisory council with at least five members, including parents, clergy, and law enforcement officials. They get to decide what part/s of sex ed. is or isn't taught. That means that they can decide whether or not to teach about human sexuality, AIDS, HIV, and any other STD's. That's stupid! Why would you not teach that stuff?

Instead most school districts "preach" abstinence as the only 100% effective way to not get pregnant (and I'm not arguing with that fact) but why would you teach only that? They are teaching this to 9th. and 10th. graders. Really? They are teaching someone who just started puberty abstinence only? I'm sorry that's completely wrong. Teaching some boys and girls who are curious about their body to not do what comes natural. They should teach all aspects of human sexuality, and teach them to be responsible. This "old school" way of thinking, that "abstinence only" attitude need to be put to rest and get with more modern times. Get the clergy (that are required) out of our school boards! Isn't there supposed to be separation of church and state?

Look if you want to teach your child about the birds and bees yourself, go ahead. It's required to send a permission slip home when sex ed. is being taught, so just don't sign it.

The bottom line is this. Get rid of the local school health advisory council, and get the Texas Education Association involved to set requirements as to what will and will not be taught in Texas schools.

Austin American Statesmen, Metro and State, Sunday, March 21, 2010